Come to learn how to facilitate a CAM (Conflict Assistance Meeting) from two CMCS members with plenty of experience! This two hour session, delivered by long time CMCS Members Michelle Phaneuf and Mark Donovan, will be a mix of presentation, practical role-plays, discussion, and debriefs.

Michelle Phaneuf has a long history of involvement with CMCS and the CAM program. She is a Chartered mediator, Certified Coach, Certified Psychological Health & Safety Advisor and trained Ombudsman who utilizes interest-based tools to bring awareness and empathy to manage difficult situations in a non-confrontational manner.

Mark Donovan is also a Chartered Mediator. He has mediated or co-mediated hundreds of disputes and teaches and coaches mediation and ADR for MRU and ADRIA. CAMs are an essential tool which Mark uses in his private coaching work.

If possible, registrants should come prepared with a personal dispute to use in role-plays during the session. It should be a dispute you are currently in or have been involved in previously. Have something of moderate intensity where you have felt 'triggered' or a strong reaction. Very importantly, it should be something you feel okay to share with at least one other person. If necessary, you can use a made-up dispute scenario.

To register for this session please visit:

DEADLINE to REGISTER is Friday June 10


PMAST Fundraiser


CMCS Casino Fundraiser - February 4 & 5